Day 73
Bit of a quiet day today, the weather is just holding out, the forecast showers didn't materialise, which meant I had to water the multiplying pots again.
Bit of a quiet day today, the weather is just holding out, the forecast showers didn't materialise, which meant I had to water the multiplying pots again.
Looks like the decent weather is coming to an end, so we took advantage and had the large paddling pool out again - possibly for the last time for a while, as not only is the weather changing, but there is a possibility of a hose-pipe ban on the horizon - well that guarantees rain!
Well, in answer to the question posed last night, not very well... Little one went up early, then was disturbed around 7.30 in the evening, by a combination of next door's child practising it's best just been murdered screams and one of our grandkids deciding it would be a good time to rummage under her bed, making lots of noise,...