In Isolation

I thought I would just like to put pen to paper, well fingers to keyboard, and document my families time spent while in 12 week isolation from coronavirus (Covid-19).

My wife falls into the high risk category, as she is currently undergoing treatment for Lymphoma (blood cancer) and has been given the stark government advice to stay indoors and see no-one, don't go out, don't pass go and definitely don't collect £200. We are all joining her on her 12 week journey - hopefully by which time things may have changed for the better.

Day 73


Bit of a quiet day today, the weather is just holding out, the forecast showers didn't materialise, which meant I had to water the multiplying pots again.

Day 72


Looks like the decent weather is coming to an end, so we took advantage and had the large paddling pool out again - possibly for the last time for a while, as not only is the weather changing, but there is a possibility of a hose-pipe ban on the horizon - well that guarantees rain!

Day 71


Well, in answer to the question posed last night, not very well... Little one went up early, then was disturbed around 7.30 in the evening, by a combination of next door's child practising it's best just been murdered screams and one of our grandkids deciding it would be a good time to rummage under her bed, making lots of noise,...

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