D-day - minus 1


Mother's Day here in the UK. This should be a time when families get together and Mums are spoiled rotten. However, for us it's different, very different. My Mum died at the end of January and we recently said goodbye properly. 

For my wife it should have been a chance to spend time with her elderly Mum and Dad, but like us, they fall into the vulnerable group and have been advised to limit contact before shielding begins in earnest. It was with this in mind that we took the heavy-hearted decision not to see them today. I was able to jump in the car and drop flowers and a card off, at arms length - and then back home to begin our isolation.

My daughter had popped in this morning, again keeping a distance. She has recently moved back to her home town with her partner and their little boy. It's been lovely these past few months getting to know him, and seeing him become more comfortable coming to Daddad's and Nanny's house (that's me, Grandad to the uninitiated), and it's going to be so hard not see him.

I know he doesn't understand what is going on, and it is going to cause my daughter immense problems over the next few months, as he won't understand why he can't come round to play in our garden and with our little boy! This whole situation is just shit - please excuse the language, but sometimes the odd bit of profanity helps...

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