Day 99


Well no Red Balloons, but it is day 99. Another day of staying indoors, another day of trying to amuse our little one, who is becoming increasingly demanding of our time. That's not a bad thing, it's great that he is communicating, but it does make him more and more difficult to amuse. He won't settle to play with anything, so you are constantly trying to find ways to keep him amused. Fortunately he likes watching me do my morning exercises, even getting the equipment out of the TV cabinet for me!

Also Monday is Asda shopping delivery day, so by the time the shopping was brought in and the exercise done it was lunch time.

Despite the weather not being quite as good today, being a bit on the windy side, we did manage to get out in the garden for the afternoon. Little man practised his bum drops while the rest of us played the next instalment of Yahtzee (part 2) - having won part 1 I generously left my winnings in the kitty for a second instalment. It will be interesting to see if I have to leave my winnings in again if I win...!

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