Day 98


Well, here we are at the end of June as per HM Government's prescribed stay at home diktat. 14 weeks of going nowhere in particular, apart from the odd trip to Maidstone hospital and spending lots of time in our garden. We are here for another 6 weeks minimum, and to be honest I don't care. I feel safe here and I am more than happy to sit it out with those I love - let people go off on their foreign holidays and visits to the pub - me, I'm happy within our four walls.

Today has been made easy by two really super moments. First our little one, who absolutely loves his trampoline, has perfected the bum drop, where he bounces, landing on his bum and back onto his feet. This may not seem like any great achievement, as most kids that use a trampoline do this at some point. But this is no normal kid, this is one that has multiple difficulties, difficulties that make his life, well - difficult. Learning new skills isn't easy for him - add to that he hasn't seen any other child doing this, which makes it all the more remarkable.

The other occasion today that was heart-warming was our grandson coming round, with my daughter and her partner. He loves to come round to Dad Dad's and Nanny's house for a visit, which normally involves us leaving him a surprise in our porch. Today we had made him a couple of frozen dinosaur eggs, which he made short work of, by dropping on the floor and smashing the ice. However today we had an added bonus, we gave him a sponge and a bowl of hot water to wash my car!

Right this wasn't exactly slave labour, as he clearly loved it - he thought it was great washing Dad Dad's car, as he had obviously never done something like this before, maybe a £1 coin was a bit cheap, but then again his dad did persuade him it wasn't just £1, but 100 monies - little one was happy! Very happy - so happy, as we later saw a video of him with a packet of jelly beans that he had spent his 100 money on!

Days like this are good, hopefully we will have many more of them...

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