Day 97


The weather finally broke here in Kent. Not woken up to actual rain for a while, so in a strange way it made a nice change! Well it seemed like a nice change. Problem is our little one has got so used to being outside that he couldn't settle all day.

I did my morning exercises and before we knew it it was lunch time. Little one was restless all morning. It's great that he is learning to communicate in a way, but after having your hand grabbed for the hundredth time and dragged somewhere does start to wear you out!

Hopefully we will have a few more decent days so he can get out in the garden again, as he seems happier there.

In an attempt to cheer little one I did some karaoke this afternoon, he always seems to enjoy it when I sing, he seems to find it funny - well to be honest, most people find it funny when I sing - but he seems to find it even funnier! He jumped around the living room, while I sang, which made him happy for a while.

The weather did brighten up this afternoon while I was doing karaoke, which allowed us to get little one outside for a while on his trampoline, this seemed to just about finish him off, as by the time we had finished tea and he had had a bath he was ready for bed! We managed to drag him out for a while, by putting a former favourite on for him, the Bob the Builder Movie. He hadn't seen this for a while and enjoyed watching an old favourite. We managed to keep him on the go until after 7, so hopefully he will do the night!

Right, on to our next exciting instalment of booking a shopping order - tonight, Asda - oh joy!

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