Day 96


Little one had another disturbed night's sleep - think the heat is getting to him. To be fair he only spends about 3 hours making various noises, but when you have a monitor on it disturbs your sleep (well my wife's in particular).

Little man did eventually go back to sleep then we were woken by an almighty thunder storm, the forecast had been rain for today, but not until later. It crashed and bashed and rumbled for a while and the rain came down like an express train - it's weird really, we can pop downstairs to go to the loo and the creaky floorboards wake little one up - but have a full blown thunderstorm, and he sleeps through it! You really can't win.

I was expecting a phone call today from Brighton social services, I have been asked if I would like to be on the fostering panel for the Brighton Family & Friends team, and was scheduled a chat with the head of the panel. We had a very good call and talked through the role - it does sound very interesting and I look forward to being able to start helping out. It will all be done via a virtual link on Teams, which should be challenging enough on it's own for us old timers!

I would like to think that I (we) have something to offer Brighton, as carers we have had two vastly different experiences, with KCC being next to useless during the Special Guardianship Order process and Brighton who couldn't, for us, have been any better - anyway, let's see what happens going forward.

We then spent the rest of the day in the garden, again with little one running us ragged, dragging us to the trampoline, the kitchen, the summer house and back to the trampoline. It's great that he is now leading us and trying to show us what he wants, but also difficult as we don't always know what he wants. He has changed so much over the last 3 months, but it can be frustrating, both for him, and for us, when he can't quite communicate exactly what it is he wants. Hopefully we get it right most of the time, but I am sure there are times when it doesn't quite go to his plan...!

We managed to keep him going, with having tea outdoors and then a very quick shower, but by 7 he was upstairs in bed - let's see what time he wakes tomorrow (tonight)...

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