Day 95


The wife had an early start to the day, as she was woken by our little one at around 1am, as he was awake and making noises. I heard him, but clearly went back to sleep. After a while she got up and got into bed with him  evidently he was on another planet, laughing and messing around, so much so that she eventually came back to our bed and left him to it. We have him monitored in our room, and he won't come to any harm in his new bed, so she was happy to let him burn it off - he did eventually go back to sleep around 4am.

Another glorious day here in Kent, although it looks like it may be coming to an end shortly, but as the expression goes, make hay while the sun-shines!

Before getting into the garden we had the little thing of an Iceland delivery to handle. I think sometimes our eyes are bigger than our bellies when it comes to ordering, or maybe that should be eyes bigger than our freezer! Anyway, after we managed to cram a proverbial quart into a pint pot my daughter came round. We had ordered her a couple of bits and wanted to let her know we had managed to make some dinosaur eggs for her little one. These were made by dropping a plastic toy into a balloon, filling with water and freezing - hopefully her little one will like it.

Anyway, next on the agenda was my morning exercise session. I'm not sure if it was just very hot this morning, or if I put a lot of work in or I'm just unfit, but I did crack up a sweat this morning and enjoyed it.

Well we eventually got into the garden, just in time to come in and make lunch and then our Sainsbury's delivery. Once the delivery was in my daughter came back round and we gave her little one his surprise, two dinosaur eggs. He loved them, and with the aid of medicine syringe and some hot water he soon slowly worked his way into the first one - dropping the second one from height appeared to work quicker - anyway, he loved the experience, and couldn't quite understand that he didn't have to give them back to us, but he wanted more eggs, so we will do it again, he didn't realise we have a tub full of the little critters and a bag full of balloons.

We got back out into the garden where the little one had fun playing in the water. My wife and I both took turns playing in the pool with him, and he tried his best to swim, kicking his legs and splashing his arms under the surface - I am sure he actually moved on a few feet under his own steam, it was great to see him so happy in the water.

We had planned to have a BBQ again today, but the extremely hot weather put paid to that idea. Instead we cooked the meat indoors, where it was a bit cooler and not standing directly in front of the BBQ roasting, it was a nice meal, it was another good day...!

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