Day 93


Well today was a glorious day in Kent - the sun was streaming through the curtains, and it looked like being a perfect day out - but what's that, it's only 6am - I think our little one needs to get a grip on his wake up times!

Anyway, early start gave me a chance to get my exercises done before it got too warm - for once the forecasters appear to have got things right, as it was looking like being blooming warm today.

We got little one's pool up today. He still loves it when the water is running to fill it up, but loses interest a bit once it's done. Mind you, he was quite happy to plod between his trampoline and the summer house, so the pool wasn't really a problem, besides which the water came in handy for watering the ever increasing number of pots of plants in our back garden.

My daughter dropped in with a drill so I can put up some shelves in the grand-daughter's bedroom. The wife likes giving me these little tasks to do, and to be fair it keeps me out of trouble, so I don't mind. If we can get it done in the morning before it gets too hot then that will be a bonus.

Back to today and we had our now traditional weekly BBQ - these work really well, we have got it sorted as to how much we put out - that way we aren't disappointed when stuff is left over - leave them wanting more I guess would be a good motto! Mind you, not that they ever normally come back for more, although today was an exception, as everything got finished off - result!

We played the final leg of the Yahtzee session we have been running this week, unfortunately I won - again - after the triumph of the skill game of bean bag throwing, I thought that rolling dice would be a bit more random and a game of chance, but no, I won again! Sorry kids...

We managed to keep little man going until we came in from the garden, just as well as after his bath he was gone in minutes... another day over, let's see what tomorrow brings...

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