Day 92


Well today was a lovely day, weather and other wise.

It is Monday, which means Asda delivery day, this is obviously food delivery day, but also gives us a chance to talk to my daughter when she comes round to get her share of the shopping. Mind you today was a bit different as she came round before delivery to drop off a nice surprise donut and nipple cake - sorry Belgian bun, just can't help myself with that one!

Delivery brought in I set about doing my exercise routine, I'm still sticking at it, which is good as it's been about 18 days now. It's funny, as our little one has started joining in, he lays on the floor when I do and even tries to do the squats when I do - it makes the exercise easier to do having a co-exerciser!

Lunch was in the garden again, then Yahtzee and little one had his lily pad water toy out - it was a lovely afternoon. We even managed to get tea in the garden, with little one swapping between his trampoline, the summer house and raiding the food cupboard in the kitchen! It's really good the idea that he is now showing us some of his wants, but at the moment he appears to have got too used to knowing where the food is. The good thing is he burns it all off on his trampoline as he doesn't stop!

That brought us to the finale of the day - the announcement that shielding was going to change. It is a two stage thing, with shielders being able to meet up outside, under social distancing rules (which are going to change tomorrow) from July 6th. Then as from August 1st shielding will be "paused" as they have dressed it up, but really means ends.

This part doesn't directly affect us, but I do feel sorry for anyone who is shielding and will be expected to go back to work at this point, it will be massively scary for them, and with the government pulling up the financial assistance drawbridge at this point, some will be forced to go back to work when they don't feel ready, it doesn't seem fair - one minute you are being scared into thinking that death is round every corner and the next all is fine. It is going to be a massive change, and I am not sure the powers that be fully understand how difficult it is going to be for shielders to reintegrate back into society...

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