Day 90


Nice morning here in Kent. Started off with little one coming into bed with us and watching his favourite film - again - I did try him with something else off of Netflix, but he just wasn't having it. Turbo it is then!

Once we were up and breakfasted I did my exercises. The wife has been taking a rest from doing this, as she has been having a bit of gip, and we both think it may be the exercises that have caused this - so instead she just sits and laughs at me as I get knackered!

We were able to have lunch in the garden, which is always nice. With the weather forecast for the next week looking good I think this may be something that will be repeated over the coming week. We stayed out in the garden to play the next leg of Yahtzee - it's looking increasingly likely that I will win this competition too... which is unusual, as I don't normally win the games of chance!

Talking of games of chance - Premier League football is back. I have to admit I have been finding it very difficult to get enthused by the prospect of football's return, as it all seems to be driven by money - but for all my disquiet about the health prospects I still couldn't help myself checking out the score during the game, and was more than a little bit chuffed when my team sneaked a last minute winner.

The wife's daughter and husband came over and cleared out the rest of the rubbish from the garage - it's amazing, we do indeed have a concrete floor - amazing! Though as I have said before, I am sure it won't take long to refill it...!

Before coming to get our rubbish they had gone to our local nursery to get me some plants for the two hanging baskets that were starting to go past their best - it's difficult to know what you want, when the person on the other end of the phone clearly doesn't know a geranium from a cabbage, but between us we managed to order some plants - mind you when they dropped them off it was clearly more than two baskets worth. Mind you, I managed to find homes for them all, so no problem!

We managed to stay out in the garden for the rest of the day, which was good as it meant that little man had more time to wear himself out. Which he clearly did, as he was safely tucked up in bed by 7.15 - another day done, though all in all it wasn't a bad one!

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