Day 9


Been stuck indoors now for just over a week and finding a routine to help us get through the days. However, having spoken to others going through a similar thing the main problem, next to the boredom is the over-eating!

It's just so easy to keep snacking, just as a means of filling time during the day. Wake up, have a cup of tea and biscuits, mid-morning cup of tea, maybe another biscuit, lunchtime a roll and packet of crisps, might be able to squeeze in another cup of tea oh and a crème egg before tea - it's just too easy, especially when you have been organised and stocked up for Easter before the lockdown...

To try and get a little bit of fitness back and try and stop eating we have decided to go back to doing Tai Chi. We had done this for several months during last summer, before my wife began to feel unwell. We really enjoyed it, and found an online YouTube channel run by David-Dorian Ross, who is good at working at a level for beginners, in particular those slightly older (me and the wife)! We had intended to start tonight, but the will-power isn't quite there yet, and we let it slip - tomorrow is, as they say, another day! We have plenty of tomorrow's to fill before this is over.

The ongoing saga with Sainsbury's continues - they have now set up an automated phone-line to register if you are vulnerable, or over 70 - unfortunately the system shows no allowance for any older person who doesn't have an email address or if you didn't register one at the time of taking out their Nectar card - again, I don't blame the supermarkets, this current situation isn't of their doing, but it does seem they are making things more difficult then they should be for those who need it to get help - while all the time the supermarkets are reporting record sales!

It was nice to be able to get out in the sun again today, it was a bit warmer than the last couple of days, and it gave our little one the chance to have a bounce on his trampoline and burn off a bit of energy - maybe I should join him, might solve the weight gain problem.

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