Day 89


I'll keep writing this blog as long as we stay in shielding - I am not sure how many people are reading it, though the page views appear to indicate that there are a few, or for that matter how interesting people are finding it, generally! However it does give me chance to vent sometimes, so I feel it is doing me good.

Today was another do not a lot days. It started with me sorting the garage out, so the wife's daughter knows what to take when they come for our second tip run of the week. It will be good to have a usable space back - though I am sure it will soon get filled.

Lunch time soon came round, which was spent in the garden. It was a bit early today as we have plans to do a quiz this evening, so need an early tea too.

My daughter popped round today to drop off a potty for our little one to try. We had one which he had got to big for and this one is supposed to be a mini toilet, with pretend flush and all - we tried him on it and again it was too small for him. He really does need to go on the big boy toilet, so we have ordered a seat that sits on top of the normal toilet seat - this should be an interesting venture, as he won't have a clue what he is supposed to be doing on it - but it does need to be tried!

It clouded over a bit this afternoon, which gave me the chance to do a bit more of my exercise routine on the Ring Fit - I think it must be getting a bit tougher, as I am getting more knackered as the days go on! I can't believe I am getting less fit, so it must be getting tougher... honest!

5pm came and we sat down to do the Unique quiz - Unique are a charity who support people with chromosome issues, which our little one has. it's always nice to support these sort of events, though to be honest the turn out was disappointing. It was nice to do a quiz without cheating, using Google, but I am sure at least a couple of those that finished above us had been. Anyway, it was only a bit of fun and like I said, for a good cause!

Managed to get the little one back out on his trampoline for a while, before he crashed out, taking himself up to bed not long after 7 and was asleep within 10 minutes, hopefully for the night...!

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