Day 88


A late start today, in bed until 9am, well I say in bed, when in fact we were watching Turbo - again! - currently little one's favourite film. It's one of those strange things, having an autistic child in the house, you try and impose change on them, but gradually it sinks in that rather than trying to force what you want on your child, you have to learn what makes them happy... so Turbo it is - again!

Little one has been accepted into our local Special Needs school and today I gave them a call to find out what will happen regards him starting school. We don't think we will be ready to let him go to school, with the current virus situation, but our minds were collectively put at rest when they explained that there are many families in the same boat as us, they seem happy with him starting this school year - at a point we decided - let's see if they are so obliging later in the school year!

Phone call made it was on with housework. During this my wife got a message to remind her she had an appointment at the doctors surgery tomorrow - this was news to us, as we hadn't received a letter concerning an appointment or for that matter know what it was about.

I called the doctors - my wife finds it hard making phone calls, so I tend to do it for her - the appointment was with the cancer nurse, after explaining we are shielding she was promised a call back, which duly arrived. My wife finds it very difficult, as for the most part her treatment has gone well, but she gets very upset when talking about her condition and what it may mean for her going forward. She has a tendency to fear the worst, even when there is no apparent reason to.

She has had a lot of tears today, and couldn't speak to her Mum when she rang mid afternoon. The good thing is, these moods don't tend to last too long and she was able to give her Mum a call by the end of the afternoon - I really do feel for her though, as it doesn't matter what words I say to her I can't change the way she feels inside!

We played the 3rd instalment of Yahtzee today. This is about the only way we can get the eldest grand daughter out of her bedroom, to take part in our little holiday game, mind you, as soon as the game is over and a decent gap has elapsed she is back to her room, as the piece of elastic snaps back and returns her to her usual place!

My daughter's other half came round and loaded up some bags to take to the dump for us tomorrow - it's hard to believe, but I am sure I caught a glimpse of a concrete floor beneath the remaining boxes, bags and polystyrene, hopefully by the time my wife's daughter comes round Saturday it may be confirmed...! However, once emptied, I am sure it won't be long before we fill it up again.

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