Day 87


Well, after waking in the early hours of the morning, we would have expected our little one to have slept in, but he didn't and was up no later than normal. He came into bed with us, where we watched a bit of TV, before starting the day!

Today for a change, was fry up Wednesday - it pays to not make things a "norm" in our house, otherwise some of the residents - I use the phrase like a hotel guest, as that's what the house is treated like - just expect it to be the norm. So every now and again I like to throw a curve ball to keep them guessing, so instead of Thursday fry-day, we made it a day early. I might confuse matters even more next week by moving BBQ Monday to Tuesday - that will really mess with their heads! Well, maybe not...!

Little one paid for his disturbed night's sleep by promptly falling asleep around 11am. This gave the wife and I the opportunity to sort the garage out, as we have managed to accumulate quite a lot of crap while being in lockdown. It's amazing how much cardboard, plastic and polystyrene you manage to store over the course of 3 months shielding! Anyway, all sorted, just need someone to take it to the dump for us - daughter and step-daughter have promised to do the deed - would be nice to get the garage emptied, so we can fill it up again!

Little one woke after a couple of hours sleep and was right grumpy - he isn't the best at waking from sleep during the day time, and today was no exception, he cried and kicked and screamed, so much that in the end my wife put him in his bed to calm down, which he did after a while - he was happy to come down then and watch me doing my exercise routine for the day. He loves joining in, sitting down when I do, and climbing on me when I try and do exercises on the floor. Keeps him happy!

We finished the day off by the wife and I, and little one, sitting in the summer house, with the doors shut, enjoying an ice cream away from prying eyes. It may have seemed a bit extreme, but it is nice to just be the three of us sometimes, without being asked silly questions or getting stared at!!!

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