Day 86


Weather was decent here in Kent today. Didn't really have a lot to do, so spent most of the day in the garden.

My wife's daughter popped over to socially distance and show off her new Pandora ring - my wife was so impressed she bought the shop!

Our little one had great fun playing on his trampoline and watching Turbo on the TV in the summer house. He has now got to the stage where he brings the TV remote to someone when the film finishes, so it can be restarted for him - this might seem like nothing, but this is a major breakthrough in some of the things he does, as it is clear understanding of what the remote does.

We played the next leg of our summertime games, Yahtzee, unfortunately, I picked up a good score and after two days am leading from the front - it's quite unusual, as I don't normally do so well at these games of chance - maybe if I win I will have to throw my winnings back in again. Having said that, there is still 4 more days to go, so I shouldn't count my chickens yet!

Little one clearly enjoyed his bouncing and playing in the garden, as by half past 5 he was falling asleep. We did manage to keep him going for a bit, but he was still early to bed. Unfortunately, when he goes to bed early these days he often wakes early. This was the case where he woke around 1 in the morning, and played quietly in his bed until around 3, so not all bad. Let's see how he is tomorrow!

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