Day 85


Monday, so it must be Asda delivery day! It is a shame when your week is punctuated by shopping deliveries, just so you have something else in your life other than the normal - whatever normal is - daily routine!

Shopping day also gives us a chance to see my daughter, as we add a few bits to our order for her, and she comes round to collect, socially distance of course.

After my Dad's 90th birthday yesterday, my sister's daughter has collated a video of all the individual contributions that were put together for Dad. She has done a good job and it will be a good memento of a horrible time when we couldn't all get together! Hopefully next year will be different and we will be able to celebrate properly.

We had intended to have our now traditional Monday BBQ, but the weather wasn't looking too good, so we did an indoor BBQ, not literally obviously, as that would be rather dangerous... instead I did the burgers and sausages on the hob, and topped it up with some nice pasta salad. This was then finished off with a rather lovely jelly and strawberries, topped with Angel Delight! How decadent...

Some of the recent days have seemed rather long, so we decided to re-introduce one of our holiday games and played a round of Yahtzee - traditionally on holiday we play a round each night, with everybody putting a pound in the kitty, with winner takes all at the end of the week. We've decided to follow this routine for the next 6 days - at least unlike the games of skill everyone has a chance to win!

Little one had a brilliant day bouncing on his trampoline, taking up the bean bags in the summer house, watching his DVD's on the TV and acting like he owned the place. The highlight of the afternoon was when it started to rain quite hard. Little one hadn't been out in rain like this before, so we didn't rush to bring him in, instead we waited to see what he would do. Head back, mouth open, tongue trying to catch rain drops was probably what I would have predicted, and I wasn't to be disappointed as that is exactly what he did. He loved it...!

I hadn't intended to include this last bit, but I forgot to mention that my wife had a surprise first thing this morning..!

The postman delivered a box, which was stashed with a selection of flowers. They looked a little sad at first glance, but having read the instructions for rehydrating them and looking after them, they now look lovely - apparently they were from someone who is a one in a million - you wait 'til I catch him...

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