Day 84


Today was supposed to be the end of shielding, given the government's information when they announced lockdown on March 23rd, however, somewhere along the line that appears to have been extended to the end of June - so anyway, 12 weeks down!

Today was a good day/bad day in equal measures. It was a good day, as it was my Dad's birthday and a bad day as it was the first one he has had without Mum.

It started off rather strangely, as I awoke to find my wife wasn't in bed with me, instead she was in bed with our little one. He had gone to sleep the night before at 5.30, but unfortunately he didn't sleep through, instead waking up around midnight and started making lots of noise, apparently, as I slept through it. The wife got into bed with little man and spent an uncomfortable night in his bed. Apparently there was plenty of space but this didn't stop little one climbing all over her. 

We eventually got up. Not long after getting up my Dad called. We had a brief chat, knowing that we were going to be talking again later, by Zoom - well, we knew that, but he didn't as it was intended to be a surprise.

It's really difficult at this time, social distancing has obviously changed everybody's lives, but for people like my Dad, who is now on his own it must be incredibly difficult. I know the government have introduced the "bubble" idea, which will allow him to spend time - probably with my sister and family, as they are the most local to him, but he is still very isolated.

When we did eventually get through later on the group Zoom meeting it was nice to see so many people who wanted to wish Dad a happy 90th, but equally sad that it had to be done in this way. Dad clearly got upset, saying that there was just one person missing from making it the perfect day, but I am sure Mum was looking down on him, and raising a glass of her favourite red...

Happy birthday Dad, here's to next year!

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