Day 82


Spent most of the day in the garden today, wasn't the best weather wise, but it was nice to just be able to get outside.

Did spend a bit of time indoors, as we put some new shelves up in little man's bedroom. My wife has become an internet shopping whizz and the shelves she purchased are brilliant. They are a lovely shade of blue, which blends in nicely with little one's bed and are really well made - and at a blooming decent price - what's not to like...!

Shelves up we then had a visit from my wife's daughter, dropping off a TV for her son, who has just moved into new accommodation. When I say accommodation, it's well, a caravan - yes he has become a do as you likey! Seriously though, it is good, as he now has some space and can have his kids to stay - in fact, by all accounts, the elder one doesn't want to go back to his Mums and would rather be with his Dad.

Son came round and picked up TV and a bag of bits my wife had sorted out from the cupboards - it's amazing the crap you accumulate over time, especially when you are trying to stock your shelves, just in case of emergencies!

The final part of today, was discovering that the charity that had sponsored little one's bed have added his story to their website

This is a lovely story, made all the more poignant by the byeline of the charitable donation that made this all possible. For the family involved we will be forever grateful.

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