Day 83


I've done the gags about Rex Harrison and Robert Downey Jr. day, as in DoLittle, but today was another of those days - so maybe they need to make a trilogy, so I can name drop someone else...

Anyway, late start today, as little man decided to have a lie in, which was nice, mind you the other half also decided to sleep in too, so it rather lost the effect him laying in. Never mind, at least two people got extra sleep...!

We had a morning in the garden, before coming in to my daughter at the door after lunch. We had a lovely chat, spending more than an hour talking, about nothing really in particular - but it doesn't matter, it's just good to talk as the ad used to say.

I made cup cakes, ready for my Dad's 90th birthday celebration tomorrow - I think the plan is for all those involved in the video call to have a cake, with a candle in, to blow out for his birthday - this is either going to be epic, or an epic failure - I do hope it's the former...

So, not much happened apart from that, as I said, Dr Dollittle part 3....

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