Day 81


Today was a bit of a funny day. It started with our usual Thursday fry-up - still trying to stay in the holiday mood, although the weather hasn't been quite so "holiday" lately - although, to be fair maybe it is British holiday weather!

Anyway, breakfast done we settled down to our morning exercise routine. I've never been one for exercising in a routine fashion, always preferring to play sports, when I was younger and doing lots of walking and walks in our latter years, but I have found this "game" rather addictive and actually enjoy the feeling of getting knackered - mind you I am only playing the game on the easy setting!!!

Thursday meant Sainsbury's delivery. Today's driver was a decent friendly man, he appeared to actually want to do his job, rather than it seeming he was being forced. Shopping put away my daughter came round to collect the couple of bits we had ordered for her - collected at a social distance. We had a nice chat, putting the worlds to rights, it's always nice to see her, I can't wait for this to be all over so we can get back to actually meeting people, rather than chatting from a distance or out of our upstairs window!

I got a message from my sister to say that she would like a short video from everyone in the family, with a view of putting a longer video together for my Dad's 90th. This seems a simple task, save to say my wife doesn't like being on camera and our previous experience of trying to record together should have been enough to put us off doing it again.

Anyway, after a couple of false starts we did eventually manage to get something usable - mind you, my inability to remember the script did make it more difficult to carry out the task than it should have been - clearly I will never be an actor, unless they are looking for an old forgetful man...

My daughter had also had the same message about a video and they recorded a lovely short clip, their little man was a little star in their video. I can't wait to see all the clips linked together, it should be fun!

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