Day 80


A wet day in Kent - again - mind you it wasn't our usual start, as we had to leave the house today! It is that once every 3 weeks trip to the hospital for bloods. My wife has to have her bloods checked for any irregularities in her white blood cells and we make the trip to Maidstone tri-weekly.

It is noticeable how things have got back to "normal" on the roads - not so long ago, when the overhead signs on the M20 were saying "Essential journeys only", pretty much the only traffic on the roads was white van man and delivery lorries. Now it seems the world and his wife, and the kids, are out in their cars! It is certainly a lot busier...

We got back and carried out our morning exercise routine - the exercises are good, but are getting progressively harder, which my wife is struggling with. It must be difficult when due to previous problems with her back, combined with current issues from the cancer, some of the exercises are just that bit too much for her - not that she likes to admit it. While I was dong my session my latest supply of plants arrived - unfortunately they turned up short, but hey ho!, just have to order some more at some point!

After lunch I managed to get the plants planted. This year has been so different, previously we have had a few pots doted around the garden, as we haven't been home enough to tend them, either when we had our caravan or the last couple of years when we have spent so much time away from home, trying to give our little one and the girls lots of different experiences - plants always took a back seat then - this year though, has clearly been very different, for obvious reasons!

Anyway, plants planted - we just need some more sunshine now to bring the best out of them. It's looking like being a year to remember, in many ways...!

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