Day 8
One advantage of the clocks going forward this weekend is it's probably going to take a few days for our little one to get up to speed with the new time - this morning he very kindly decided to lay in until 8am (7am in old money), this is unheard of for him. As a rule of thumb he's normally up by 6 at the latest, so this was a treat.
By the time we had done our now daily routine of tea and biscuits in bed it was gone 9 - no point getting dressed now, might as well wait for our Asda delivery around 10.
Now food deliveries have become a bit of an issue, not just for us, but for the vulnerable in particular. The supermarkets were clearly caught out by the panic over the virus, and the greed and sheer ignorance of those that stripped the shops bare of all but the most basic of supplies. Even today I have seen a jar of small chunk Branston pickle on the internet priced at a staggering £28.78, but to be fair, it did come with free delivery. The greed of some people simply beggars belief. I am not one to wish harm on people, but I am a firm believer in karma - I am sure karma will catch up with some of these thieves.
I keep getting very nice emails from Mike Coupe, CEO of Sainsbury's, promising me that his company will be looking after the vulnerable - well to date nothing, hours spent on the phone trying to register as a vulnerable customer have come to nothing, so I await the promised letter explaining their intentions with baited breath... well, maybe not!
It's funny how much time has been taken up desperately looking for delivery slots with one of the many supermarkets, and how, even now there is just nothing available - I really don't know how the generally vulnerable can manage. We are fairly lucky, in as much as while my wife is vulnerable due to her condition, we are both fit and mentally able - heaven knows how those less fortunate cope
Our Asda delivery finally arrived, by the time that was off-loaded, wiped down with antiseptic wipes and put away it was lunch-time... Time flies when you're having fun!
Talking about the vulnerable, my wife's elderly parents are also staying indoors for the next 3 months, they are unable to get any food deliveries so are relying on family to assist. It is at times like this that you really get to appreciate some people. While some of the more vocal disappear in times of need, there are those that step forward and selflessly help - without even wanting your thanks for helping.
I can assure you that these people will be remembered when this is all over...!