Day 79


Bit brighter today here in Kent, which was nice, as the past couple of days hadn't been too bright, which meant we have been stuck indoors a bit more than we would have liked.

We did manage to do a session on the Ring Fit this morning, before spending some time in the garden. Our little one loves his trampoline and is more than happy to spend time on it, bouncing to his hearts delight! It is lovely, knowing that he doesn't really understand much, to see him get so much pleasure is always wonderful.

He had another treat today though, as we got his lily pad water toy out again, this time, with the right fitting, it worked really well and sprayed him with water, which he really clearly loved. Water and bouncing really are his favourites, so today was a very good day for him.

We had asked my daughter to pick a few bits up in town, when she was out, which she brought round after lunch - again, it was nice to have a chat with her, socially distanced as per usual, little man came out to say "hello" too, then wandered off, like his does!

It was one of those rare days today when both girls came out into the garden too. The older one thinks she has to do it, as we have moaned at her in the past for spending all her time in her bedroom, now she just sits there, and sits there, and sits there - not engaging at all, just sitting and staring. It's a really difficult one, because if I tell her she doesn't need to come into the garden she will just revert to spending all her time in her bedroom - what is that old expression about leading a horse to water?

Well, unlike yesterday we managed to keep little man awake all day, but it takes its toll on him, and by 5.30 he was falling asleep. He managed to finish his tea and I quickly jumped him into the shower, from there it was PJ's on and up to bed, where hopefully he will stay until the morning. Let's hope it's not too early a morning...

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