Day 78


Well thank heavens for shopping deliveries, as without our usual Monday morning Asda delivery we would have had nothing to do today. It was another day with pretty much nothing going on, so the appearance of the little green van was a welcome distraction.

I think the isolation malarkey is getting to some of the delivery drivers, as they are not quite so happy now as they were at the start of this process - today's driver, the same driver as last week, was a bit of a grumpy ol' git - mind you at least this week he didn't throw out shopping into a pile, like I witnessed him doing last week, instead this week he clearly didn't really want to look through the bags to find the couple of items I wanted to return! If you don't want to do the job, it's quite simple, don't!

Anyway, shopping put away, my daughter came round to collect the bits we ordered for her, by the time we had had a chat and closed the door it was lunch time...

Unfortunately from that point the day just dragged. The weather was such that we couldn't get out in the garden, but it did give us the opportunity to have a good session on the Ring Fit - while we were doing this our little one went to sleep. He used to like an afternoon sleep, but recently has avoided it, especially when we are in the garden during the afternoon, as we can keep him on the go! Today though by 2pm he had gone to sleep - we let him have a couple or hours, as we know any more will be disastrous as he won't sleep when he goes to bed.

Anyway, bedtime came, and he went up to bed at 8pm, without any problems - however that's where things went pear shaped! We put him in bed and he appeared to be settling down, but then the next thing he was having a wrestling match with his over-sized Iggle Piggle soft toy... an hour and a half later he was still rolling around, doing handstands and generally not going to sleep!

I brought him down, removed Iggle Piggle and all other distractions from his bed. After a short stay downstairs he went up again, and this time settled - we pledged to not let him have any more afternoon sleep - let's see how we manage that...

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