Day 77


Oh my word - 11 weeks, 77 days, 1,848 hours, 110,880 minutes. I know, it seems ridiculous how quickly the time has gone for such a long period of time, but it has. Depending what information you take from the government, we either have one week to go, or 3. Mind you, I'm not quite sure what happens then, but I am sure that Boris and his band of merry men will have something in store for us!

I wanted to follow on from yesterday's opening by saying that today was Robert Downey Jr. day, but I'm not sure people would make the connection to Dolittle, as in the new version, like they would with Rex Harrison - never mind, today was Robert Downey Jr. day in my head anyway!

We've had a bit of rain here today, which meant that little one didn't really get out much. It did give us an opportunity to hit the Ring Fit fairly hard though. I had a couple of sessions jogging and doing the various exercises, while my wife pushes herself as hard as she can.

We had a nice chat with my daughter and partner and their little one today, on the Portal. I have to say that I like the Portal, I find it far better than Facetime, as it's not so in your face, literally, and doesn't show off my chins! What's that old gag about more Chins than a Chinese phone book - well, that's me on Facetime!

So, as I said, with my lame RDJr. gag at the top of this, it was another day of doing very little, but it is another day ticked off - ticked off to what I'm not quite sure, but another day done all the same...!

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