Day 75
Well the weather finally broke here in Kent and we had a bit of a damp day! In a strange way it was nice, the weather has been fantastic, but it made a pleasant change to have something other than sunshine! I understand how some people feel when living in a foreign country with a climate when nothing changes, same thing every day, you think it would be great but sometimes it's nice to wake up and open the curtains to something other than sunshine! Just hope it's not for too long...
This morning was a doing morning - the nets came down, and put in the wash, the windows were cleaned on the inside - mind you, they are so dirty on the outside it was difficult to tell what you were cleaning! A confession now. We have lived in this house for 8 years and being a town house it is very tall and difficult to clean the upper floor windows, which haven't been cleaned since we have been here. Shame has moved us to find a local window cleaner who specialises in town houses. Hopefully we will be able to see out soon! (They're not that bad really, honest...)
We had a Facetime chat with my brother and wife, it was nice and they were both looking very well. They are largely avoiding going out, though living within a stone's throw of the beach they are able to walk out and avoid people and get some fresh sea air! Well, they were looking well on it.
The wife and I both did our exercises today on our fit game - I keep banging on about what good fun it is, but it seriously is. I really enjoy doing it. It is a double challenge as little one wants to join in, he was even copying me doing The Plank!
After a good day, little man excelled himself tonight - we have a nice little routine at bedtime, where he gives my wife a bit of a cuddle, then a kiss, though in his case it is more tongues than kissing. Tonight though was different, he actually puckered up and gave my wife a proper smacker. To say she was over the moon would be an understatement...