Day 74


Today was fry up Thursday. I know it should be fry up Friday, but the mushrooms weren't going to make it to Friday! Always reminds us of holidays having a fry up, as I am good, if I do say so myself at them - mind you, I'm not as organised as my brother at making a breakfast, but then I do tend to get my breakfast served up before lunchtime!

Anyway, today was another quiet day - the weather had changed, though not really for the worse as they were forecasting, but not sitting out in the garden weather. We took advantage to do a few about home tasks, although first I took the car out for a run, taking some bits to the mother-in-laws. It was nice seeing them, and they kept a good social distance this time. I have hated it in the past when I have had to almost drop and run, unsure what they would do when I rang their doorbell, but they do seem to have really grasped the idea now.

It's been a funny time for them. They took the decision to self-isolate 10 weeks ago, at the same time as we went into shielding, and apart from people dropping provisions off for them they have seen no-one during this time. Father-in-law is struggling a bit with early onset dementia, although to be fair he doesn't really know it himself, surprisingly he has managed to cope well with being stuck indoors - he very much likes his routine, and I suppose it has probably been easier to maintain a routine when there is little to do, but enjoy your garden.

Mother-in-law has been herself, stoic, if this whole process is bothering her she doesn't really show it - I think, like my wife she just misses the social contact with family - it's been tough for the women in our family in particular!

Other than that it was another afternoon of Nintendo Ring Fit - I am determined to keep at this for as long as possible. I feel it is having a positive effect on me, and it is fun too, so what's not to like...

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