Day 73


Bit of a quiet day today, the weather is just holding out, the forecast showers didn't materialise, which meant I had to water the multiplying pots again.

Talking of pots, our stand arrived last night to put the pots on, it's one of those ladder style storage things, with 3 shelves of decreasing sizes - I put it together this morning and it looks good. I have added some of the pots we had standing on the decking, then realised we a) didn't have enough for the stand and b) now have gaps on the decking!

This then prompted another foray onto Facebook to see if our local nursery had topped up their home delivery supplies - which unfortunately they haven't... fortunately, my wife is now an internet whizz at finding stuff online and found a nursery that delivers! 30 minutes later another load of plants ordered - so more planting to look forward to!

After lunch we had another go on the Nintendo Ring Fit - this really is great fun, and if it helps me/us to drop a pound of two then that will be a great result.

Our little man has been full of it today, he has been learning lots of new skills while we have been shielding and today it was mark making. My wife had been making a shopping list - yes another one - and little man picked up her pen and promptly scribbled on her notepad, this was a first, something we had not seen before. I know these are all small steps, but it is great to see him making them, and as the wise man once said, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! I know, full of it, aren't I...!

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