Day 72


Looks like the decent weather is coming to an end, so we took advantage and had the large paddling pool out again - possibly for the last time for a while, as not only is the weather changing, but there is a possibility of a hose-pipe ban on the horizon - well that guarantees rain!

We had a good splash in the pool, little one spent a bit more time in the pool, as he can spread out in the larger one and really enjoys himself. his latest trick is to submerge his face fully under water, then splash his arms as if he is doing the butterfly stroke - I am sure I have mentioned it before but with the right tuition, for an autistic child, I am sure he could be a really good swimmer! The only problem is he would probably want to drink the pool...

My daughter called in, as she had done an errand for us, going to the bank to get some money - one of those things you can't do when you are locked in - and she brought her little one round. We normally answer their visits by leaning out of our upstairs window and having a chat, today though we answered the door, while they socially distanced. This was a bit of a mistake as their little one didn't understand why he couldn't come in and got a bit upset he couldn't come in to play - fortunately we were able to bribe him with an ice-cream, which appeared to make him temporarily happy - roll on the day when we can have him in!

We then had a message from my wife's daughter, she was at a local toy shop who had just taken a delivery of Nintendo Switch Ring Fit - we had been waiting for one of these for ages, but they have constantly been out of stock. One of the effects of lockdown seems to be that everyone is buying Exercise equipment, Inflatable hot tubs, flour and eggs! After all the excess beer and chocolate I have consumed over the last 10 weeks this is a welcome respite.

We weren't disappointed, it is great fun and I managed to work up a pretty decent sweat. I am looking forward to doing more of this over the coming weeks...!

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