Day 71


Well, in answer to the question posed last night, not very well... Little one went up early, then was disturbed around 7.30 in the evening, by a combination of next door's child practising it's best just been murdered screams and one of our grandkids deciding it would be a good time to rummage under her bed, making lots of noise, despite being told to keep quiet! Oh, well, thought it was too good to be true...

This morning the curtains opened to another lovely day here, it was our Monday morning Asda order today, so our ritual today is to potter around, no rush and wait for the big green van! Usual mix of substitutions and no shows, but we have come to expect that now.

Once shopping was away it was a case of then planning our other current Monday ritual - the BBQ - it's been good being able to get outside and cook for us all, but it does feel like a bit of a waste of time sometimes as there is a general lack of appreciation from the kids. Just as well the wife and I enjoy it...!

Well, I didn't mention it last night, but we were gob-smacked by the government's announcement regarding those that are shielding - it just seems at present that we are hurtling downhill, without any brakes, towards herd immunity 2.0.

It is hard to see what has changed in the last 10 weeks to make the government decide it is now safe for shielders to come out to play. I know they have given quidance regarding social distancing, don't go in shops, etc., but it still just seems too soon, and too much coming on the back of all the other changes.

I am not alone in wanting to see the evidence that has allowed this change, and I notice many of the charities that deal with vulnerable people are saying the same thing. All I do know is this has thrown my wife a bit. We had made the collective decision that it would change nothing and we would stay shielding until the end of June, as previously suggested, but we won't be taking them up on the offer to pop out for a bit of exercise!

Better safe than sorry, as far as we are concerned…!

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