Day 70


Well, 10 weeks down - it's funny, it's seems an eternity ago that I started this blog, but at the same time that 10 weeks has flown by. When this started and the talk was of 12 weeks shielding, and then until the end of June, it seemed an absolute age, it was hard to imagine staying indoors for that amount of time.

Fortunately, as I have said, the weather has been kind and we have had a lot of time in our garden. Which is where we ended up again today. Little man had an early start this morning, after having a late night last night, but after tea and biscuits in bed, mixed with a dose of Teletubbies, we were raring to go!

I managed to pot up all the plants that we got yesterday, and now have so many in the garden that it takes me an age to water every day, but it is worth it, as the garden now looks the best it has ever done since we moved here.

My daughter popped round today for a chat, socially distanced, it always seems strange when she stands down the drive and we chat, or more usually out of our upstairs window. It was nice to have a chat and she looked well.

We got little one's pool out again, and he showed a little more interest. We thought we would be clever and run the hose down his plastic slide and into his pool - thinking he might go down the slide in the wet, but no, he sat in the pool and tried to drink the water as it came down the slide - well, we should have known really!

So, we stayed out in the garden until tea was ready, little one bouncing on his trampoline and the girls, well sitting there...

Little man decided this would be a good time to fall asleep, so we quickly got him stripped off, wiped down and PJ's on. He was then tucked up in bed by 6 - let's see how this goes...

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