Day 7


Today has a slight advantage over all others of the "shielding" era - it's the shortest day of the year, and yes before any of you pedants reading this say, "no, December 21st is the shortest day" - I'm talking number of hours in the day... only 23 to get through today!

It was a bit of a do nothing day today, as said before, there are jobs to do, but there is no point doing them all too soon. Instead it has been a day of spending a bit more time with our little one. The weather has turned here, and it was bitter cold out, so we spent most of the day indoors.

My wife has reflected that since being taken poorly in October last year she has missed time with our little man, she has not been able to pick him up since then, and is only now just starting to be able to give him a bit more of a cuddle. Hopefully in time she will get back to being able to rough and tumble with him, like she used to.

She said today she felt selfish, as being locked down at home has given her more time with our little one, time that she had missed out with him. He is due to start school in September and my wife had expressed concerns that she would like to hold his admission back, again for selfish reasons, as she felt she had missed out on best part of a year with him, and wanted to spend more time with him, before he has to start school.

This lockdown has enabled her to play a bit of catch up, no nursery, no days out, no shopping trips, all those everyday things that eat up your time, have now gone by the by for the time being, but this has inadvertently given her more time with her favourite person, and me!

So, really not a lot more to add about today, so apparently Morrissey and I were wrong, not everyday is like Sunday!

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