Day 69


Today was yet another sunny day here in Kent - it seems incredible the number of times I have led with that statement over the past 10 weeks, the weather has been very kind to the likes of us who have been shielding, as at least it has given us the opportunity to use our outdoor space! Before this all happened, as a family we have always spent a lot of time outside, visiting places or going for walks, so I have always managed to get a bit of sun on my skin and a bit of healthy colour on the bits that can be seen,  normally arms and legs below the knee, but this year I have even got brown feet, from being in the garden so much with nothing on my feet.

Anyway, nice day again, so we got little one's small paddling pool out, rigged up the hose as per usual, but he just wasn't interested - he only spent about 10 minutes in the pool and wanted out. I'm not sure if this was because we had only set up the small pool, or if he has had enough of being a water baby for now! Never mind, the water didn't go to waste as I used it for my never ending display of flower pots, bags and baskets...

We had our Sainsbury's delivery today. Shopping deliveries are always a good focal point for the week. Unfortunately I messed up last week's order and missed our usual Thursday slot, so had to settle for Saturday - that meant last evening, having just put away the Sainsbury's shop, we had to fill out our Asda shop for Monday delivery - keeps the mind active all this shopping!

Talking of shopping, my wife's daughter kindly went to our local Homebase for us to get even more plants - I've said it before, but I have absolutely no excuse for not having one of the best garden displays in Kent this year, such is the amount of time I have spent on it. Plants duly arrived and are safely in the back garden awaiting planting in the morning!

I had time today to Facetime my Dad. It has become a weekly occurrence now to call him, and it is really nice to see him. He sits in his front porch, with the door open so he gets a bit of the lovely sunshine on his face, and chats on his iPad. It's quite funny really, it was my idea a few months ago, before the current situation started, to get him an iPad for his 90th birthday, which is coming up shortly. The belief was he wouldn't be able to handle the technology, but with some good socially distanced instructions from my brother Dad has picked it up like a pro, and quite happily messages all and sundry. It's great that he can not only keep in touch with those that are local to him, but also with his brother in Greenwich and nephew in Devon - it has made things a bit more bearable for him, after losing Mum early this year.

While I was chatting to Dad our little one climbed up on the sofa next to me and promptly fell asleep - this is never good when he has a sleep in the afternoon, something he has done since an early age, as it has a tendency to make him less ready for bed at a sensible time. At just after 8 he took himself up to bed, but didn't want to settle, he played and rolled around in his bed for ages, to the point in the end where I had to take his pillow out, as he just appeared to be fighting with it and not using it to lay his head on! Once the pillow was gone he settled quickly - so think it will be no pillow for a while, see if that helps him to settle better - mind you the nights he has gone up without an afternoon sleep he has gone off to sleep ok, just when he is up to play the pillow becomes an item of interest!

Let's see what happens tomorrow...

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