Day 68


Little man spent his second night in his new bed, having not settled in bed until nearly 10pm we rather hoped he would have a lay in, but only managed until 7 this morning, but at least he appears to really like the bed, as he was quite happy to play for another 30 minutes - the bed seems a great success.

Today was a day of two halves. We started off busy, busy with housework, getting the summer duvets down from the loft, and generally being domestic goddesses, and god!

Lunch soon arrived and things were going along quickly, and then time appeared to stop, the afternoon went sooo slooowww! For probably the first time in nearly 10 weeks the day dragged and the day appeared boring and mundane - oh well, every day can't be a rollercoaster ride...

The highlight of the day though came this evening. Little man normally goes up to bed around 8pm, but as I have said clearly loves his new bed. This was demonstrated clearly when at 7pm he made a break for it up the stairs, normally the stair gate would be over, but for once it wasn't, my wife followed him up the stairs, into his bedroom and into his bed, which had been left unzipped. He let himself be tucked in, and within 15 minutes he was fast asleep!

We looked at each other in amazement, had we really just witnessed our 3 year old, autistic, non verbal child take himself to bed! Well clearly yes, and it was a fantastic moment in his and our lives...!

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