Day 67


Well, yesterday little one's new safe bed arrived. He went up to bed at 8 and by 8.30 he was settled - he then slept in this morning until 7.15, and then played for a while in his new bed! He loved it, so much so that when we tried to come downstairs he got upset as he wanted to go back to his bedroom. I took him back to his room and he sat quite happily for a while, looking at one of his books in his new bed - he looked like a pig in muck, which was apt as he was looking at Peppa Pig!

Today was a bit of a tidying and garden day. Since we have been in shielding we have accumulated a rather large amount of cardboard in our garage, from all the bits the wife has ordered online. I have spent time this morning breaking down and boxing up waiting for next week's blue bin collection. Tick

I had also "stored" quite a large quantity of vegetation that I had dug up or cut down from the front garden. This has all gone in the brown bin, waiting for collection next week. Tick

Next was the big boys toy, as I got the hoover blower out and sucked up the debris that my wife had swept up in the back garden. All looking good!

Pots arrived that I had ordered last week, which have now been put up and filled with the last of the bedding plants we had - I finished this off with deadheading all our pots and baskets...

Horticulturally, job done...!

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