Day 66


Today was a good day.

Started with a lay in, as little one didn't wake up until 7.30, which was nice, as it gave the wife and I some time together - I love our little man so much, and he has made such a difference to all our lives, but it is nice to have a little time off!

We had a bit of time in bed, all three of us, but had to get up earlier than normal, as today is the day - today is the day little one gets his big boy bed.

First on the agenda was a lovely fry up - a holiday fry up as should have been. We even said that if we had managed to get away this week, it would probably have been the best week's weather we would ever have had for a holiday - never mind, can't be helped, and we are making the most of it at home!

We then had a nice surprise when the bed company rang to say they would be arriving an hour early and they were good to their word and arrived bang on mid-day, at the exact same time as little one's other surprise, his soft play stuff had arrived ahead of schedule, too.

Should just stop at this point and say a big thanks to a couple of charities who have helped us, firstly who very kindly paid for little one's bed and for the for their help with buying little one's soft play stuff. Family Fund have helped out over the last few years, helping towards furnishing little one's play house last year and providing him with a trampoline the previous year - it is so appreciated when people step up to help - thank you!

Anyway, the bed went together really well, was maybe a bit bigger than we were expecting, but little one loved it - he seems to think he has a new indoor trampoline - bedtime should be interesting.

We then got his soft play bits out in the garden. To start with little man didn't pay a lot of attention to it, but he was soon climbing over it, sticking his feet in the holes, looking in the mirrors and generally making good use!

So, we got to bed time - in attempt to keep things normal I carried him up, even though he wasn't going in his grow bag. I got him into bed and covered him up with his duvet and zipped him in. We were surprised, he settled fairly quickly. We both really thought he would be bouncing off the walls, but instead, he played for a while then settled himself down. We are hoping he doesn't get cold as he's not covered up, but at least he is laying on his pillow...

Let's see what he does in the morning - will it be playtime!!!

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