Day 65


No politics today!

Good start to the day, little man didn't wake until 7.30, which was nice, as he had gone down so early the night before. The neighbours weren't too bad, though man down the end of the garden still managed to bash and crash around from about 6.30, but I guess we are sort of used to that now, so it seems to wash over us a little.

We got little one's large paddling pool out today, and filled it in the now usual fashion, attaching the hose to the parasol - he absolutely loves the water splashing down on him. As has become tradition now, I join him in the pool for a while and keep him amused. He so loves the water, though we do have trouble stopping him from drinking it!

Other than that it was just another day of new normal. Sit in the sun, have lunch in the garden, followed by an ice cream, and then later a beer! What could be better at this moment in time? Well, I'll let you know, as tomorrow morning is fried breakfast day, black pudding and all...

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