Day 64


I've not used the Big Brother analogy for a while, so here goes "Day 64 in the shielding house" (said in Geordie accent)… It's days like today where I quite envy the contestants in d'house, being protected from the news and the big world outside - unfortunately, try as hard as you like it is difficult to avoid what is going on in the news. While I'm not greatly into politics, days like today, and yesterday for that matter, just makes you shake your head - let them get on with it, as there is nothing we can do to change things!

Anyway, nice day here again. Little one woke at 5am, which isn't like him now, he has been having some good lay in's, but today he woke crying. We think that he is struggling with space in his cot and also the growbags (yes growbags) he wears might be a bit restricting. Well, he only has two more sleeps until his new big boy bed arrives - that will be interesting.

We fired the BBQ up once more, it's a nice way to spend a couple of hours. After food we played the next leg of our bean bag game - I'm still winning, and the wife appears to have got her eye in and is catching up quick, not on me, but maybe second place.

Little one was in his element again, watching Nut Job in the summer house and generally looking like he owned the place, relaxing on the bean bags! Maybe we should move into his playhouse, that'll teach him!

Mind you, whatever he was doing seemed to wear him out, as he fell asleep on the sofa and was in bed by 6.45, hopefully the neighbours will keep the noise down and he might get a full night's sleep.

Apart from all the other political shit going on, Boris has today announced that car showrooms will be able to open from June 1st - there may be light on the horizon to us getting our new car soon, mind you, we won't be able to us it...!

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