Day 63


Wow, 9 weeks down. It's amazing to look back and think how this all started, how at that time we had respect for the government who appeared to be doing their best to protect it's citizens - but a short 9 weeks later it is now clear that this government is no different to any other - protectionism, looking after those closest to them, and not the public, lies, deceit, more lies, more deceit - the weird part about it is I'm genuinely surprised and I don't know why!

Anyway, should have known today was going to be a shit day from the very off. Mr Down The End of the Garden was out early, taking in his solar lights and placing them in a bucket, noisily, then placing them in the sun, so he can put them all out again later today, and then do the same again tomorrow morning, rinse and repeat.

The topper today was our next door neighbour, who decided that 7.40 on a Sunday morning was the right time to get the hose out and rinse out their paddling pool - like clearly he is so busy, has so much to do that this job couldn't have waited until a more respectable and respectful time. But hey, if those at the very top of government have no respect for anyone, why should my neighbours!

My wife was on a real downer today. Things have happened at home, that I'm not at liberty to put on here, save to say she feels betrayed by those closest to her - today was one of those days that what has happened got under her skin and made her angry. She lashes out when this happens and I just try and stand in the way to take some of the verbal blows.

The upside in our day, as is the case most days is our little one - he is getting so much pleasure out of the summer house / games room / cinema room. He has taking to camping out on the giant bean bag, watching episodes of Shaun the Sheep and Twirlywoos, bang goes the idea of my wife using it to play Xbox games! Maybe when the evenings get warmer...!

The plants I put in yesterday all appear to be taking, the hanging bags, with a bit of luck, should do pretty well. I have even managed to grow two sunflower seeds to the point where they need repotting - everything in the garden is growing! Well, figuratively, as the sunflowers are on the window sill in the kitchen...

We are on countdown now until Wednesday, when little one's special bed is due to arrive. It will be nice to get him out of his cot, at nearly 4 he needs to be in a bed, but one that will keep him safe, which this should - hopefully the 10 minute instruction video is as easy to follow as it appeared - roll on Wednesday...!

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