Day 61


Noisy neighbours had our little one up early again today, a combination of the man at the end of the garden, and the kids next door. Mind you with little one watching a film, Nut Job, we didn't end up getting up too early!

My task today was to try and get the front garden finished off, as I had left myself a couple of roses to plant from yesterday's heat - this was soon done, as true to the forecast the weather was a lot cooler - now the plants are all in the garden is looking pretty good. Just hope that everything beds in well and doesn't get visited by the local cats or dogs!

After the early start this morning our little one decided he had had enough, and promptly fell asleep at mid-day, which in a way was handy, as it gave me an opportunity to talk to my brother on the phone about the holiday we were supposed to be on next week. It was cancelled due to the current government restrictions on holiday travel, and we are currently trying to sort out getting our money back or an alternative arrangement!

It's very difficult times for holiday companies, in particular the small ones, we are happy to play ball and probably have been too willing to be helpful. My brother though is less amenable and is happy to chase us a better deal on our holiday - I will let him get on with it, as we have nothing to lose long term!

I had a pleasant surprise this afternoon, as the plant bags I had ordered arrived nearly a week early. These are bags that hang on the wall or fence and you plant up, in this case, with 11 plants each bag... well I got 3 bags planted up, just hope they bed in as well as those plants in the front garden. They look good, so fingers crossed.

We played out day 3 of the holiday game - I am still leading, but my wife is making a late charge to gain second place.

That was it really for today, a nice ordinary day, again in some decent Kent sunshine - long may that side continue, as the sun does make things easier in the long run...

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