Day 60


I forgot to say yesterday, when we went to the hospital that it was noticeable how the traffic flow has increased. For the last couple of months, when attending hospital, there was pretty much only works van and lorries, but now it appears the world and his wife are out on the road. Not sure what happened to working from home if you can! Clearly, a lot of people can't, or don't want to anymore...

Anyway, back to today. Today was supposed to be showers in Kent, so I decided I would plant out the front garden. We had planted up the garden when we moved in 8 years ago, and decided it needed a change - so I hacked down everything in the garden, so I pretty much had a blank canvas to work with.

It was nice to lay out the plants and it looked good. However, the forecast showers didn't materialise and it was flipping hot here in Kent - so much so I had to abandon the planting, as it was too hot, I guess feeling knackered was partly due to the fact I have done little full time hard work for the last 3 years, well, if you exclude looking after a very demanding toddler and two teenagers, and a wife who has had her health problems! But I hear you say, that's not work... Well, you may have a point!

We played day two of the holiday game today, I am afraid to say I pretty much have the game sown up after two days, but it's only a bit of fun, and I usually donate the prize to second in these circumstances, the kids are level pegging at the moment, and my wife appears to have lost her sense of direction and can't throw a bean bag to save her life! Unlucky I say, when really I want to say, "that was rubbish"... I am a very sensitive man, and in touch with my wife's feelings! Ha...

Now for the political bit - despite being in the grips of a medical crisis our government, who are supposed to represent "the people" decided in their infinite wisdom that now would be a good time to announce an increase in the levy imposed on non-nationals to access the NHS - the very people who helped save Boris's life were now being shafted by the government - and all the government could say was "we need to finance the NHS".

Despite standing up yesterday in the Houses of Parliament and praising the care workers and NHS members of staff who had lost their lives, the surviving NHS staff were going to be made to pay for the right to use the NHS if they became ill - even while serving on the frontline - to say it was crass was an understatement.

Today, Boris has done a full 360 degrees handbrake turn to remove this levy! Why does it sometimes take full on outrage from the public to make politicians realise how stupid they are.

Ideology is a killer...

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