Day 6


Woke up this morning, and my first thought was of the loveable Manc rogue Morrissey, I don't normally think of 80s pop stars when I wake up, but on this occasion it seemed apt.

Morrissey once wrote a song called "Everyday is like Sunday" - well I think I now understand what he meant. I woke up this morning and didn't have a clue what day it was. Staying indoors, seeing no-one but those sharing the house does make each day seem the same, days just merge into each-other - and this is only the first week! I've no idea what it's going to be like by week 6 or 7...

We went through our daily routine of tea and biscuits in bed, again normality in abnormal times. It was then my wife revealed how worried she is. She has to go for chemotherapy next Friday and is really scared about leaving the safety of our home. We know we are safe here, no-one comes in, no-one goes out. We sanitise anything that comes through the front door, including the post and wash our hands at every opportunity.

Going to hospital will mean being in close proximity to "people" - hopefully (I am sure I know the answer here) the nurses and those carrying out her chemotherapy will be extra mindful as she really is vulnerable to infection, she is most definitely one of the vulnerable the government have been banging on about. I feel bad too, as I am not able to accompany her to her treatment. We both got through the first 3 treatment cycles, playing games on our tablet together, me pushing her IV drip trolley to the loo - now she has to do that alone and is scared.

We talked about the situation. I'm not sure I helped, but I think I made the right noises to help her approach today in a more positive mood.

Today's task for me was hoovering the house, top to bottom, we live in a town house, so there's quite a lot of ground to cover - I think I mentioned the other day that I am an expert when it comes to cleaning the bathroom, well I'm getting pretty good with a hoover now, too.

While this may all seem mundane, it's the little routine things that are helping to break the days up, making the time pass by a little quicker. We are a week down and looking forward to seeing what next week brings.

This afternoon we had a massive surprise. With the lack of traffic round our way in the last week vehicle movements have become more noticeable, so it was because of this that my wife noticed a large lorry parked over our drive. There was then a loud banging on our front door, I checked there was no-one there before opening the door, to find a box left at the doorstep. A box full of groceries, apples, rice, spaghetti, tinned tomatoes and other fresh produce - oh, and 2 loo rolls!

It was quite a weird feeling. Initially it reminded me of one of those films where a baby is left at the door in a basket, with a note "please look after my baby" instead on this occasion it was please make use of these potatoes...!

We then felt a bit ashamed, as we know there are people out there probably in more need than us, but then we felt it was nice to feel noticed, despite the fact we were behind closed doors, someone knew we were here. Shortly after the delivery we had a call to make sure we had got the parcel and a number to call if we need anything going forward. I don't think we will be using the number, but it was nice to be given that option.

Well, that's a week down - only 11 more (possibly) to go - not that I'm counting.

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