Day 59


Today is one of those days that neither my wife or I like - it is bloods day!

Now she has finished her main sessions of chemotherapy my wife has to go to the hospital every 3 weeks to have her bloods taken, just to make sure everything is ticking along and there are no problems with her white blood cell count.

With the current worries over the virus she finds it very difficult to go out, putting herself in harms way. We have already had a scare with the call-back for a Covid-19 test two weeks ago, so it is very difficult to feel 100% safe.

Once back from hospital we settled down to another sunny day in Kent. We had the pool up still from yesterday, which topped up with some warm water made a lovely place to sit to escape the heat already being generated by the sun.

It's been a pretty good spell of weather, which has been favourable to us, as it has allowed us to spend much of our 8 weeks shielding so far in the garden...

We should have been going on holiday this Friday, to spend a week in Somerset with our little one's sister, who is looked after by my brother and his wife. Instead we will be spending our holiday time at home. With this in mind my good lady has tried to invoke some of the feelings of holiday, by playing some of the holiday games that we love playing when we are away!

Today was day 1 of target bean bags, and unfortunately I am once again in the lead - obviously my old darts skills have never left me...

Tomorrow looks like being another decent day, though there is a forecast of some rain, so this might be the ideal time for me to get out and plant my latest arrival of plants in our front garden, might even have to order some more!

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