Day 58


We should have been going on holiday next week, so as today was such a nice day we decided to treat today like a holiday day! It is a bit of a thing with us when on our hols that we have a cooked breakfast for at least half of the week. So today, we got together the ingredients for a traditional (for us) English breakfast.

So it was lovely to have a nice start to the day, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, and for me, black pudding all on toast, wonderful! All eaten in the garden, a great start to the day...

It was really nice to have this start to the day, I keep banging out about it, but it was another glimpse of normal, in a world that at the moment is anything but.

We then got the large paddling pool out, which takes a lot longer to fill up, which is heaven for out little one, as he spent the best part of 45 minutes with water cascading over him as the pool filled up. The wife and I were then happy to join him in the pool and later the younger of our grand-daughters got in the pool and stayed there for a couple of hours. The older one came out too, but didn't get anywhere near the pool - I think she may be related to the Wicked Witch of the West, as she may melt if she gets immersed in water!

Other than that, it was just a lovely day in the sunny Garden of England - here's to a few more...!

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