Day 57


Today was a nice family day - started off with tea and biscuits in bed, which is always nice, a very pleasant way to start the day! Little one loves it, and Julie enjoys this time with him, as it makes up a bit for the time she lost with him when she wasn't well...

Once up, we then waited for our Monday morning treat, our delivery from Asda - it's funny, no, actually sad, how our lives have become punctuated by shopping deliveries. It's become such a part of our routine now, even down to the moaning about the substitutions they invariably throw in, for a laugh I think...

Anyway, shopping put away and it was a lovely day here so we put little one's paddling pool up - this is such a treat, for him and for us, as he gets so much enjoyment out of it - he is a real water baby, and loves it in particular when he has water hitting him and he will quite happily put his head and face under running water! He is so sensory that this sort of thing must be heaven to him.

I then fired up the BBQ - we've started to enjoy this event, it even drags our eldest grand-daughter out of her pit to eat with the rest of the family in the garden. It was a lovely afternoon - mind you, she soon sloped back to her bedroom after eating - maybe the bright sunlight was too much for her!

I finished off the day by going round all the hanging baskets and pots, doing a round of dead-heading - all a bit sad, but it gave me a feeling of accomplishment once they were done, and if I do say so myself, we have a pretty good display in the garden this year - mind you, if I can't manage that this year, then I never will...!

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