Day 56


Well today is 8 weeks down, 8 weeks since Boris told the vulnerable to shield - I'm not 100% convinced they know we are still here, but as long as we don't make a fuss they will say sit tight, you're in until the end of June!

We're quite happy with that, it keeps us out of harms way, and safe and sound. It has given me a chance to do a bit more to the garden, which is looking pretty good - probably the best since we moved in, mind you it has got smaller over the last couple of years as we have filled it with more and more bits to keep our little one occupied. Just as well, as it has all come in handy over the last 8 weeks.

Talking of little one, we had a Facetime session with my brother and wife, who look after his sister - a quick call turned into just shy of two hours, chatting, mainly about "the virus" and how it would affect the kids, in particular with going back to or starting school. My hope, if things don't sort themselves out quickly is that we will hold little one back, as a summer baby we can probably do that, at least until Easter, if not for a full school year - so our options are open!

It seems like the rush to get school's open has become almost as indecent as that to get football restarted - both appear to be borne out of a desire for money, football needs to restart as it is beholden to the money of Sky and BT, while school's need to get back to allow parents to return to work, and help get the economy going again! The government have tried to dress it up with various experts being trotted out to say how damaging missing school will be, children missing their friends, children missing out on valuable lessons, etc.,

The despicable Michael Gove has today gone on TV to say yes there are risks, there are risks in everything, blah blah blah, but in reality they are just using those they consider to be the least vulnerable, primary age children, as guinea pigs to see what happens when they return. It is quite frankly disgraceful. Hopefully it won't blow up in the government's face and no children or teachers will die, but irrespective of that it is a disgrace that could define this government. There will be many questions for the government to answer after this is all over, let's hope one of the statistics that need to be looked at isn't the death of teachers!

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