Day 55


We had an early wake up this morning - little man decided to be ill during the night. We didn't realise, as he didn't make too much of a fuss to start with, but started crying around 4am, which isn't like him - when I went in to get him it then became clear that he had been ill.

It was strange, but he has been fine all day, been on his trampoline as per usual and generally been his usual self. It was a bit of a chilly one here in Kent today - real change from yesterday, which was lovely and paddling pool weather for the little one, whereas today was more brass monkeys.

I had a busy morning - I have now stripped our front garden bare of everything living, well I say everything living, there is still a Christmas tree in the ground, but I think it may have seen better days!

The brown bin is full and once again awaiting collection, mind you, I'm not sure we have much living stuff to go in the bin in the future. The new plants arrived from the local nursery, and they look pretty good - can't wait to get them planted.

Our second treat for today was the arrival of our new Facebook Portal TV. It didn't take too long to set up, but we had mixed success with the picture. We rang my daughter briefly, which worked a treat, but we had trouble with the daughter in law's connection. Technology is wonderful when it works, but a pain in the proverbial when it doesn't. Hopefully a quick Google search will sort things out!

Looking forward for the next few days, the forecast looks pretty good so hopefully we can get out in the garden, the little one can have his pool out and life can be good for a while...

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