Day 54


Well we have been in 54 days now, and during that time the only times I have been out are to take my wife to hospital for her cancer treatment and to have bloods taken. It always feels quite strange getting in the car and driving away from our safe haven of home, but keeping ourselves inside is the best thing for my wife, shielding her from the virus!

However, today was slightly different. As a treat, my wife had bough a few bits on our last shopping delivery for her Mum and Dad. We have done this once before, where I have dropped stuff outside their door, rung the bell and talked to them briefly from the car. However today was different. My wife had tried to contact her Mum all morning, but couldn't get through as the phone was engaged.

Now mother-in-law has been known to spend a long time on the phone sometimes, but this went on for 3 hours. Eventually it was decided I would drive up and drop off outside the door, ring the bell and retreat to the car, as I have done previously. However, I was rather worried about just turning up, without any prior warning, as I thought they would forget about the social distancing idea.

I was right - I parked the car at the end of their drive, with the driver's window down so I could talk to them, dropped the shopping at their door, rang the bell and retreated back to the car. Mother-in-law answers the door and we have a brief conversation from a distance. She then realises she has some money to give me for my wife and promptly walk to the car and hands it to me. I wanted to wind the window up, but couldn't, if nothing else, the engine was off and I couldn't be that rude - it clearly didn't occur to her. She was then joined by Father-in-law, who to be fair kept a safe distance.

It is very difficult, because in their heads they are safe, they've not gone out for the same amount of time as us, but I know for a fact they have had their next door neighbour round, who knows if he has been having visitors?

Anyway, we had a quick conversation and I came away. All the way home I was thinking, is this how it's going to be now? I felt so bad being abrupt and driving off like I did, but equally I just couldn't wait to get home to safety!

I'm hoping I'm not becoming institutionalised to staying in, keeping safe, but it seems that way at the moment...

This afternoon was spent with our little one in his paddling pool. We managed to rig it up so the hose filled his pool from height, the hose attached to the parasol, so the water splashed on him - he was in his element!

We then got a message from my daughter to say they were out on their daily walk, and would be coming past ours. My wife thought it would be a good idea to let their little one try out our little one's new Waltzer car. Her little one absolutely loved it and wanted to take it home with him - being the kind, caring grandparents that we are, who at this time more than ever, love to spoil him, we have ordered his own one to arrive next week... can't wait to see his face!

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