Day 52


Got up late again today, becoming a bit of a trend this - don't know what will happen if we ever get back to "normal" - whatever that is or will mean going forward.

Got the news that our little one's remote control Waltzer is on its way - can't wait to try it out and see if he likes it.

I had mentioned before that we had some holidays booked for later in the year, and I have heard from a couple of the companies to offer good news. We had a holiday booked for the end of this month, which the company have offered us a credit note for 2 years. I'm not keen on taking credits notes, but feel on this occasion it is the best things to do - holding out for a cash refund could actually bust the company, whereby we would get nothing - so figure the credit note might help give them some breathing space!

I then had a call this afternoon from the place we were staying at in Hastings at the end of June - again they were very understanding and have offered us all our money back, they were particularly sympathetic to my wife's case, understanding the she couldn't travel at the moment due to following the government's shielding process.

The best part of the day was still to come though - little one's remote control Waltzer turned up - and it's brilliant - he loves it. We tried it out indoors to start with, it was very successful, but not as successful as when we took it outdoors. It ran really well on our decking and little one loved it, hands in the air like he was on a rollercoaster. It's difficult to tell sometimes if he is "getting" something, but he is clearly "getting" this new toy, which is great, as we have spent a lot of money in the past, on toys and gadgets that he hasn't got on with, so this was a treat to see him enjoying himself so...

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