Day 51


Another late start to the day, it has been quite good this people not working lark, as our neighbour normally gets up for work around 4.30, which normally disturbs his kids, who then cry, which wakes our little one up! Normally he then settles again, until wife of next door decides to start hoovering at 5.30 - yes, 5.30 in the morning - this will then wake little one up again, and this time he won't go back to sleep.

Because of the current situation next door hasn't been going into work, so no hoover, little one sleeps in - bliss!

Anyway, we got up and had a pleasant surprise when the postie came. There was an envelope with our little one and my daughter's little one's name on - my wife recognised the writing, it was from her mum.

We Portaled my daughter and opened the envelope on camera. It was indeed from the children's great grandma. Grandma loves making things and she had made cards for the two little ones, telling them how much she missed them - it later transpired in an attempt to keep herself busy she had made cards for all the great grandkids. It was a lovely gesture, which was much appreciated.

Had an interesting chat with our GP today. I had previously called to speak to our little one's nephrologist, but unfortunately she is off sick! On the hospital's advise I called our GP, who was very helpful. They advised, that while our little one's conditions aren't individually a problem, collectively they may cause him an issue, in particular regard to his kidney problems.

More of a concern though was the implication of him going back to nursery or school all the while my wife is shielding! This was good news that the GP was advising this way, as it means one less problem going forward if we tell the school we want to hold on for starting him at school.

Not much else to tell today, tomorrow as they say, is another day...

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